Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Its all in how you look at it

In Bell Hook's "Work Makes Life Sweet" she writes of two different perspectives she grew up with on work .  These very generational perspectives are quite conflicting.  She describes growing up in the fifties and being told by the older generation that "work makes life sweet," that one should be proud of their work no matter what and that "there was no shame in doing and honest job."  This conflicted with what society and pop culture were pressuring for at the time.  She says "I was more socialized by the get-ahead generation that felt how much money you were making was more important than what you did to make that money." Ultimately after many years of being burned out in a job that has prestige she is more inclined to take on the older generation's idea.

I think the first approach towards work is one that compares well with the Dalai Lama's.  Both emphasize the need to respect and value one's work for it helps other in some way or another.  The second perspective Hook writes of is similar to what the Dalai Lama deems just a job. The Dalai Lama defines a job's primary motivation is just the money one can earn from completing it.  The Dalai Lama, Bell Hook and I can all agree on one thing: Its all about how you look at your work.

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