Monday, March 25, 2013

Source: The World of Sociology

The World of Sociology is an online encyclopedia source, whose purpose is to define sociological terms and concepts.  There are multiple entries that apply to my subject for writing project 3 and 4, the glass ceiling in the 21st century.  The definitions of the terms "Glass ceiling," "gendered division of labor," and "discrimination"  will be very useful to my essay.  All these terms are interrelated and help further define each other.  For instance, the glass ceiling is a form of discrimination and the gendered division of labor creates an atmosphere that makes it difficult for women to gain upwards mobility in fields where there are not many women working.  According to The World of Sociology, "The current GDOL (gendered division of labor) in the United States gives men more status and power and disadvantages women financially and politically. It is a structural way of maintaining women’s subordination."  I will use this quote specifically to further define the glass ceiling.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

gender in the work place

For Writing Project 3, I'd like to explore the topic of discrimination and prejudice based on gender in the workplace.  Two terms I would focus on are "Glass Ceiling," "The limited advancement of a qualified individual (a woman) within the hierarchy of an organization because of discrimination"(Glenn 94) and "Mom Bomb," "The effect of motherhood on the pay of female managers" (Glenn 121).   The two lenses I would approach this subject from are the sociological and historical lenses.  I want to do research and then argue whether or not these terms (because they were terms coined over thirty years ago) and the discrimination of females in the workforce are still relevant in the 21st century.